About me
Hello! I’m Claire Brook
I am a counsellor and psychotherapist and my goal is to partner with you to enhance the quality of your life. Whether you are dealing with something specific or are seeking increased satisfaction and balance in life, I’m here to help.
Who comes for Counselling and Psychotherapy?
Any age, gender, race, background.
Whoever you are, whatever you’ve been through, we’re here to help.
It’s a process through which, working together, you and your therapist will explore how and why you may be struggling and uncover ways that can help.

Depression can feel like all the colour’s been sucked out of your life.
Talking therapy can help you find your rainbow again

Overwhelming Anxiety…
Can dictate your life…
It seems to rule your mind… varied or specific…compulsive or random. Anxiety’s a hard task master but it doesn’t have to stay that way.
At Holy Island Counselling & Psychotherapy we’ve partnered many people towards beating anxiety and YOU would be very welcome if you’d like to come and explore some possible solutions.
After all, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!’

Even in a good marriage there are bad times…
but most people can’t tell the difference between a bad time and a bad marriage so they
end up leaving a good marriage because of a bad time”. Derren E Short
Get help before giving up!
We’re here to listen and help you BOTH sort out where your relationship is going.
end up leaving a good marriage because of a bad time”. Derren E Short

Bereft. Abandoned. Betrayed
Heart bruised or broken.
Therapy can enable you to find your way through the maze of confusion.
We’re here to listen, to help you look forward once more….

OCD (Obsessional Compulsive Disorder)
is NOT a joke.
It’s a demanding task-master with many causes.
Each person is different.
Through talking therapies there IS hope to be freed
Each person is different.

Psychological Abuse…
doesn’t show with scars on the outside but it’s just as destructive to a human soul.
It can break a person and break hearts….
The really good news is, you CAN recover and make a fresh start. Talking therapy can be the beginning of YOUR new beginning!

Mid Life Crisis?
Uncover new perspectives.
Maybe life has gone in a different direction from what you’d expected? Maybe you’ve not achieved your dreams.
This mid-life thinking can creep up on you gradually or bombard you in a sudden shock, it can cause a crisis hard to handle.
At HICPs you can talk freely & confidentially with a counsellor who is someone completely neutral, from outside your normal life. The process can help you appreciate what you have and uncover new dreams and directions.